American Vowel Sounds in Detail
Master vowel sounds while learning the most common English expressions
"This course has been tremendously helpful to me! I avoided going to many auditions because of my accent. Lisa's method gave me the tools I need to sound like a native speaker."
- Yasmine Al Massri, Actress in Hollywood
This course is for you if:
- People ask you to repeat yourself when you speak English.
- Your English teachers didn’t teach the correct pronunciation of English sounds.
- You don't want to spend thousands of dollars taking one-on-one lessons with a professional speech therapist or accent reduction coach.
- You speak English well but you still don’t feel confident around native speakers.
- You wish you could use common idiomatic expressions naturally, like a native speaker.
- You want quick results but you have seen no improvement in your speech by watching YouTube videos and studying from books.
"The courses give you really fast results. It just feels so great when you don’t have to repeat yourself, when you don’t have to explain yourself, and when you can finally stop apologizing for the way you sound."
- Tania, From Ukraine, working in New York City
What you get in this course:
- Video lessons of the six basic rules of word stress. Word stress is very important for natural sounding speech.
- Video lessons that show you how to correctly pronounce all of the difficult vowel sounds of American English. You will learn how to move your mouth and tongue and you will practice words and sentences in the videos.
- Professionally recorded (downloadable) audio exercises with dialogues of common English expressions. (Hundreds of the most common English expressions!) Each expression contains the specific sound you are learning. Practice using every day expressions while focusing on fixing the pronunciation mistakes and the correct word stress. Practice all three skills at the same time.
- Downloadable PDF text of the audio exercises containing definitions of the new idiomatic expression. For correct and careful practice, the difficult sounds are in different color letters, and the stressed words are underlined.
- Quizzes to test your knowledge of the new idiomatic expressions.
Your Instructor
Lisa is a former college instructor of English who left her academic teaching career to found Accurate English over 20 years ago. Her typical clients are foreign-born corporate professionals working in the U.S. and actors in Hollywood for whom clear and accurate communication in English is a must. She speaks five languages and has worked as an interpreter and translator.
Her clients include numerous Hollywood actors and companies such as: Apple, Microsoft, Oracle, Samsung, Google, Amgen, McKinsey and Company, BCG, Nestle, Univison (Spanish Television), HBO television, UCLA Medical School, UCLA Law School, Johnson and Johnson, AT&T, Ernst and Young and many others.
Lisa believes that accent reduction and correct usage of the English grammar and vocabulary go hand in hand. If you have a weakness in one area you will not feel confident and you will not sound fluent. She believes that the fastest and most efficient way to achieve total fluency is for learners to always work on more than one skill at the same time. All of her courses are designed with that philosophy in mind.
Teaching accurate English communication to advanced learners of English has been her main goal and passion for the last thirty years.
Course Curriculum
StartVowel 1 /i/ as in "meet" (2:33)
StartVowel 2 /I/ as in "bit" (2:16)
StartVowel 3 - /ei/ as in "came" (2:08)
Startvowel 4 - /ɛ/ as in "get" (1:34)
StartVowel 5 /ae/ as in "apple" (1:29)
StartVowel 6 - /a/ is in "father" (1:38)
StartVowel 7 - /ʌ/ as in "love" (1:50)
StartVowel 8 - /ɔ/ as in "all" (1:57)
StartVowel 9- /ou/ as in "boat" (1:28)
StartVowel 10 - /ʊ/ as in "book" (1:38)
StartVowel 11 - /u/ as in "food" (1:43)
StartVowel 12 - /ər/ as in "earth" (1:44)
StartVowel 13 - /ai/ as in "five" (1:47)
StartVowel 14 -/au/ as in "house" (1:27)
StartVowel 15 /oi/ as in "coin" (1:24)
StartCan you hear the correct vowel sound? Listening test - part 1 - Vowels Test 1
StartListening test 2 - Which sound is it?